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Summer 2024 Events

Upcoming events

    • 2025-06-10
    • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • Zoom
    • 100

    Please join us ONLINE for this year's Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, June 10, from 7-9pm. 

    The AGM is open to all current members of the KLA. Come meet your board (if you don't know us), learn about current activities and issues, and have your say in your association!

    The agenda is:

    1. Review of 2024 AGM Minutes

    2. 2025 Treasurer's Report

    3. Koshlong Activities Reports

    4. Board of Directors Nominations

    Stay tuned to hear from our guest speakers!

    Materials for the meeting -- including the agenda, last year's minutes, and the 2025 proposed budget -- will appear in your copy of the Wavelength, which will be distributed beginning May 17. We hope to see you virtually on June 10, and in-person at other social events this season!

    • 2025-06-28
    • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • Telephone Bay

    Back for the 5th year, it's the Koshlong Concert on the Water! 

    Bring your guests and gather before dusk for a lively concert given by our very own Koshlong Lake members!

    The performance will be held at the Corporan family dock in Telephone Bay, (north shore east of Umbrella Island).

    No registration is required, but we ask that everyone boat with caution and keep noise in the area down to show respect for the musicians.


    • 2025-07-19
    • 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
    • Highlands Golf Course, 3180 Kashagawigamog Rd
    • 32

    Calling all golfers and duffers!

    Join us for a friendly 9 holes at the most scenic course in the region, the Highlands Golf Course!

    All members and their guests are welcome. The game is "best ball", so everyone can enjoy the game, no matter their experience. Tee times start at 8:00 am (before it gets too hot to play). Prizes are awarded to the best team!

    You must register to participate in this event, and you must be a current KLA member to register, but we do welcome you to include your guests in your registration. Please register by July 10 so we can reserve our Tee Times. Email Dave McKechnie if you have questions.

    Entry is free but greens fees apply (note these are 2023 rates and may be subject to change):
    Adults Over 16: $29 
    Juniors (16 and under): $20
    Pull cart: $6
    Power cart: $12/rider

    • 2025-08-02
    • 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
    • YMCA Camp Wanakita, East (Family) Campground
    • 180

    FUN DAY is the biggest event of the season! In the last few years we've had 200 lake residents and their guests come out, so don't miss it!

    Join us on the Civic Holiday weekend for crab and sack racing, egg toss, volley ball and fire pump competitions, and more fun events! Popcorn, popsicles and hot dogs (meat and veggie) will be served. 

    Please note:

    • This event requires registration, and you must be an active KLA member to register; however, you are welcome to register and bring guests. 
    • Registration will open July 1 2025.
    • Beginning in 2024, YMCA Wanakita has asked participants to sign a waiver, via your registration form or on paper when you arrive; for this reason, all participants in your group must be identified.
    • If you wish to participate in the volley ball competition, please note this on your registration form, and then check in with us as soon as you arrive so we can assign your team and play slot in the bracket. 

    Check-in begins at 1:00, and the events begin promptly at 1:30!

    • 2025-08-03
    • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
    • Umbrella Island

    Paddle your canoe, kayak, paddle board or peddle boat on over to Umbrella Island to connect with your lake neighbours!

    Snacks and coffee will be provided, please bring your own travel mug.

    No registration required, all non motorized vessels are welcome.

    Rain Date: Sunday, August 6

    • 2025-08-16
    • 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Barrister's Bay

    Calling all Koshlong sailors!

    Windsurfers, catamarans and traditional mono hulls are all welcome to gather for a fun and friendly sailing competition. This is a fun race to explore the lake with your fellow sailors and promote sailing on Koshlong. 

    Route and start time will be decided closer to the date, please stay tuned.

Thanks to KLA member Rob Horsburgh for his photograph of Wallace Island used as the background photo throughout this site

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