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lost & found

Did your lawn chair blow away in that last storm? Did an inflatable swan land on your shore? Reunite neighbours with missing items here!

* Note: Only KLA members with valid login can post new topics to this page. If you are not a KLA member you may reply to an existing topic (e.g., if you found an item someone posted as lost), but if you have a new item to report, please contact us and we will post it to the forum on your behalf. 

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2021-05-20 9:43 AM Anonymous member (Administrator)
2024-08-16 4:52 PM Anonymous member
2024-08-15 3:45 PM Anonymous member
2024-08-05 11:01 AM Anonymous member (Administrator)
2024-07-26 10:17 PM Anonymous member
2024-05-21 8:15 AM Anonymous member
2024-05-12 9:21 AM Anonymous member (Administrator)
2023-06-02 1:12 AM Anonymous member
2023-05-19 3:34 PM Anonymous member
2022-10-06 9:24 PM Anonymous member
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Thanks to KLA member Rob Horsburgh for his photograph of Wallace Island used as the background photo throughout this site

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